I had been using Nuxtjs 3 for sometime, and I’ve started to like it more. I started using Nuxtjs 3 ever since Nextjs got messier with Server first move.

After working with Nuxt 3, I also found myself having fun with Nuxt UI 3 as well. The simplicity and structured approach of Nuxt and Nuxt UI are pretty good.

I like the composition api of Vue3, which is a very good feature.

Composition API

Composntion API Provides reactivity for vue in a very intuitive way.

Some of the api’s are:


  • ref: good for storing primitive type values
const name = ref("John");
  • reactive: good for storing arrays and objects
const person = reactive({
  name: "John",
  age: 30,
  • computed: reacts or computes values from a ref or a reactive object
const fullName = computed(() => `${person.name} ${person.lastName}`);
  • readonly: set a ref or reactive object as readonly
const name = readonly("John");


  • watch: watches for changes in a ref or reactive object
watch(name, (newValue, oldValue) => {
  // executes when name changes
  console.log(newValue, oldValue);
  • watchEffect: watches for changes in a ref or reactive object
watchEffect(() => {
  // executes when name changes

Dependancy Injection

  • provide: provides a ref or reactive object which can be used by any child components
provide("name", "John");
  • inject: used to read a provided value
const name = inject("name");


Composables are basically reusable functions which can be called from any component or even other composables. ( It feels like composition api in react, without extra steps )

We can define a composable like this

const useCounter = () => {
  const count = ref(0);
  const increment = () => {
  return { count, increment };

And then we can use it like this

const { count, increment } = useCounter();

Some of the practices I follow with these composition api are:

  • Using .value to access ref value outside templates
  • Using ref for primitive types and reactive for objects
  • Using computed whenever possible than watch or watchEffect
  • Using provide and inject for simple data sharing and composables for data with crud like operations.