In golang, we use interfaces to define a contract for a particular type. Factory pattern uses this interface to create instance / object of a particular type like Storage, Service, Document etc.

Implementing Factory pattern

  1. Define an interface with a method to create the object.
package factory

type Document interface {
    Render() string
  1. Create different types which implement the interface.
package factory

type PDF struct {
    data string

func (p *PDF) Render() string {
    return "PDF: " +

type Word struct {
    data string

func (w *Word) Render() string {
    return "Word: " +
  1. Create a factory function which returns the object based on some condition.
package factory

func NewDocument(docType string, data string) Document {
    switch docType {
    case "pdf":
        return &PDF{data: data}
    case "word":
        return &Word{data: data}
        return nil

Example usage

func main() {
    pdfDoc := DocumentFactory("pdf")
    wordDoc := DocumentFactory("word")


This pattern is useful when we have different implementations of similar Interfaces like postgres storage, redis storage etc.. and It also helps to switch between these implementation if they’re interchangable.